7 Dreams that give negative signs | What they really mean?

We all sometimes have bad dreams and nightmares – whether it’s being chased, teeth falling out, or finding ourselves naked in the public. Common nightmares or bad dreams can be distressing. Could your nightmares be warning signs or are they just bad dreams? Research clarified that our nightmares reflect the patterns of human behaviour and are often linked to the experiences we have been through. However, many of us want to know the meaning of our own specific nightmares.

Experts have found that women have more nightmares than men. Men are more likely to dream about flying or finding money, whereas, women dream about being cheated by their partner or about falling. This may be because women get more anxiety than men.

Well, here is a guide to the most common nightmares and their meanings.

Bad dreams

1. Being naked in public

Have you ever had one of those awkward dreams where you show up naked at public places such as office or school? Like other common nightmares, dreaming about being naked also has many other interpretations. Dreaming about being naked in public is a sign that represents anxiety and that you are feeling weak. The body part that is exposed can give deep insight into the emotion that our dreams are helping us to understand.

Possibly, a secret that came to light, or you have been dishonest about something and are struggling to keep it hidden. As a result, you are feeling uncomfortable and shameful, and you are worried about what other people think about you.

It could also mean that you’re not confident about yourself, and you are afraid of being judged by people.
It is only when you are true to yourself instead of spending time to please others, you will be free from these kinds of dreams.

2. Dream about blood

Dreaming about blood is definitely a negative sign. It depends on how you see the blood in your dream, it can help you to interpret it properly and perhaps relate it to a real situation in your life. You may dream like you are bleeding less or bleed to death or someone else is bleeding because of you or by some other person, which indicates different reasons.

Here are some situations of dreaming about blood in different forms.

  • Dreaming about you bleeding out indicates that you lose your life or lose someone dear or near ones or even financial loss or bankruptcy.
  • Dream about finger bleeding depicts that you will be cheated by acquiring your money.
  • Dreaming about you bleeding in a surgery indicates that you are bothering about the changes in your job.
  • Dreaming about nose bleeding depicts that you will have some worries.
  • Dream about wounded on foot and bleeding indicates that you may be cheated by your assistant.
  • Dreaming about arm bleeding indicates that you will lose money due to your mistake.
  • Dreaming about much blood on the floor implies that you should be safe.
  • Dream about leg bleeding implies that you will make advancement in your career and live a more comfortable life.
  • Dreaming about someone dying in blood implies that you may have the opportunity to earn a lot of money.

3. Falling from high

Most of us have woken up after dreaming about falling from the terrace or falling into a sea, which is one of the most common nightmares. Nightmares about falling are a feeling that you are not in control over a situation in your life or a sign that something is not going well. This may be work, relationships, or finance. It can also represent helplessness, weakness, or a fear of letting something go.

You need to take a new direction and let yourself go and enjoy your life. But the way you fall depends – if it is a simple fall, it could simply mean a gradual process of letting go.

4. Being trapped

Though it might sound unusual, dreaming about being trapped is a common nightmare. This dream means that you are trying hard to avoid something that needs to be dealt with, whether that’s a person or an emotion.

Dreaming about being stuck in a dream could also be a sign of an inability to get out of a bad situation or you are feeling trapped in a real-life situation with no possibility of escaping. Possibly, you are worried about not advancing in your career, tailored in by debt, or your personal relationships are going nowhere. As with the above nightmares, addressing these issues in your real life can stop the dreams. Moreover, your subconscious mind helps you to resolve this problem and finding ways to escape from this situation.

5. Dreaming snakes

Did you know dreaming of many snakes is one the scariest dreams that you could see? This dream is threatening of the fact that you will be facing bad luck in your personal and professional life. However, many people see snakes in their dreams, and it is normally connected to fear, challenging situations, and emotions that we face in our daily life. In other words, seeing them helps to resolve issues and it’s a kind of healing. When do we see snakes? When someone is changing their career or relationship or moving place, then snakes may appear.

Here are some signs when you see the snakes in your dream.

  • Dreaming snakes and get scared of seeing them indicates that you have problems and uncertainties in your life. It can be the fear of job or commitment or a tough situation.
  • Dreaming snakes in a friendly nature indicates that healing takes place.
  • Dream of fighting with snakes depicts struggling with a feeling or decision making.
  • Dream of being chased by a snake implies threatening circumstances in your life.
  • Dreams of being attacked by a snake indicate that you need to deal with a challenging situation in your life.
  • Dream of a snake bite depicts that you have to pay attention to an upsetting situation that you were trying to avoid. It is a sign of warning about a dangerous person or a critical situation.
  • Dreaming a dead snake is a positive sign. It represents the end of deception or fear.
  • Dreaming of a snake during pregnancy portrays good luck. It usually means a safe pregnancy.

6. Drowning in water

Dreams about drowning in water can be a sign that you are feeling occupied much in some area of your life. Possibly, you are stuck down by stretching yourself and endless tasks at work, or you are stressed to maintain a healthy work-life balance.

Whatever the case may be, if you dream about drowning, you need to put a pause from your duties and responsibilities and give some time to relax and encourage yourself.

7. Dream of baldness

Dreaming of baldness can indicate both good and bad signs. It indicates a clean mind especially if the head is shiny and spotless. This dream might also signify that you lost your self-confidence or feeling helpless. This is something more common in men than in women. Hair is a kind of head protector and represents strength and energy. If you lose it then you may feel insecure. Dreaming about being bald can cause difficulties and problems. You will be unfortune that your source of income will be drained, and you will be running out of money. It is a negative sign as your future position might be collapsed.


Most of us couldn’t escape common nightmares, but they are usually not a sign of anything serious. If you’re wondering how to stop nightmares, a good practice is to keep yourself healthy, both your body and mind. Do some regular exercise, be calm and be happy with what you have. However, if you still have these nightmares and unable to get a good night sleep, consider pursuing a professional support. Understanding what the dream means, can help you examine and resolve matters that are bothering you.

You can also read about good dreams here, and how it affects you.