Comments on: 5 Reasons I decided to get my MBA
Make More. Save More. Live Better.Wed, 04 Apr 2018 01:35:33 +0000
By: DC @ Young Adult Money
Thu, 21 May 2015 16:35:29 +0000 That’s the plan! I think the MBA will definitely pay off long-term.
By: houseoftre
Thu, 21 May 2015 13:03:07 +0000 advantage of that employer tuition reimbursement! You will not regret having a MBA.
By: DC @ Young Adult Money
Tue, 19 May 2015 16:35:12 +0000 The accounting credits is the big draw for me. It seems like companies put a CPA on a pedestal, so I’m definitely going to pursue it during my MBA. It’s pretty much Carlson or “no where” for me. The other good business school in the cities was the place I went for my undergrad so I can’t justify going there for a masters as well.
By: Mark@BareBudgetGuy
Tue, 19 May 2015 00:23:33 +0000! You can’t beat employee reimbursement. And getting accounting credits as part of the MBA. Totally makes sense for you. I blocked out the memories of studying for the GMAT. So…Carlson? What’s it gonna be?!
By: DC @ Young Adult Money
Sat, 16 May 2015 03:56:57 +0000 Thanks Kim! And thanks for the encouragement about the counseling clinic. It means a lot coming from a practitioner like you.
By: Eyesonthedollar
Sat, 16 May 2015 03:49:40 +0000 would get a MPH if someone would pay me to do it. It’s not cost effective to pay for it out of pocket, but for free, I’d jump. I love the idea of opening a counseling clinic. Mental health is a hugely undernserved demographic. I hope that works out for you guys at some point down the road.
By: DC @ Young Adult Money
Sat, 16 May 2015 03:43:44 +0000 Thanks Michelle! Good to hear you don’t regret it. Looking forward to hear what you go back for!