Comments on: Should Millennials Focus on Income or Net Worth? Make More. Save More. Live Better. Thu, 20 Oct 2016 16:07:12 +0000 hourly 1 By: Keith "Shin" Schindler Thu, 20 Oct 2016 16:07:12 +0000 Hey, Kristi.
Although I’m all over keep tabs on Net Worth, I’m also a firm believer in Income is SO important. One can’t build net worth without income.

I learned years ago, when my income was low, that I had to increase it to move forward in life and have a chance of increasing my net worth. I Side Hustled quite a bit over the years.

Even now, as a retired educator, I’m still looking at ways to increase my income. Freelancing is paying of.

I really enjoy reading stuff like this. I’ll be looking forward to more.

All the best!

By: NZ Muse Wed, 27 Jul 2016 22:50:37 +0000 I’ve only just started really tracking my net worth (age 28). Income has been my main focus through my 20s and so I would tend to agree with you…!

By: Millennial Boss Sat, 27 Feb 2016 20:04:53 +0000 I’m actually going back and forth right now. I have a competitive offer from a company that is in a higher cost of living area but super reputable int he industry and then I have my current job which I feel would increase my net worth more quickly but not be as flashy on a resume. I am leaning towards the net worth and staying at my current company because financial independence is what I want more than the corporate C-suite but still deciding!

By: mycareercrusade Tue, 23 Feb 2016 04:22:25 +0000 I look to (as much as possible) focus on both ;), cheeky answer I know & great question as well :)..

To me I say why not consider both however the bigger focus is probably on income and another concept called residual (rather than passive) income, which is really what I’m after, earning income that comes in month after month to then give flexibility to do with my time as I choose!

By: Chonce Thu, 18 Feb 2016 15:50:04 +0000 I don’t focus on my net worth as much as I should. It’s definitely still in the negative due to my debt. I figure maybe once I start investing more or buy some property I will focus on it more.

By: Jason @ The Butler Journal Thu, 18 Feb 2016 14:47:56 +0000 Right now I’m focusing on income. Once the majority of my debt is paid off then I will start working on my net worth. I will have more money to invest with by then.

By: moderatemuse Thu, 18 Feb 2016 03:36:44 +0000 thebrokeprof If you can find a 401k match employer, then absolutely, do what you can to save through that account. It’s free money, basically, and you’ll want to take advantage of that opportunity.
