Comments on: Should You Reward Yourself for Good Financial Habits? Make More. Save More. Live Better. Tue, 10 May 2016 23:03:50 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jason Butler Tue, 19 Apr 2016 21:11:13 +0000 I’ve never thought to reward myself for good financial habits. It’s an interesting concept. On one hand it can help motivate you to get to a goal faster. One the other hand it could get you into debt depending on what it is.

By: practicalsaver Sun, 17 Apr 2016 21:25:40 +0000 I believe that it’s a good idea to reward yourself for good financial habits. I like tying the reward to a goal. It’s a similar idea to a car salesman getting a bonus and other perks after surpassing the quota. I believe that rewards can make people work harder without too much stress and pressure. 
I always reward myself with something even a small thing or a product when I reach a saving goal. This reward serve as a consolation for working hard on achieving such goal.

By: James @RetirementSavvy Sun, 17 Apr 2016 15:43:28 +0000 Great suggestions. One of the things I discuss ad nauseam with my wife and some friends is the idea of finding financial balance; that sweet spot between living for today and preparing for tomorrow. My experience has been that developing and managing a plan helps to stay on course for those future goals and still enjoy the present.

By: Hannah UnplannedFinance Fri, 15 Apr 2016 19:34:49 +0000 A lot of our savings/earnings are set up specifically so we can do things that cost money. So the reward is the reason we save money (like when we save up for a vacation or something like that).

I will say that when it comes to side money, I set aside about 25% into a splurge account so that we can buy whatever we want… it came in handy when we wanted to buy a mattress :)

By: Aliyyah @RichAndHappyBlog Fri, 15 Apr 2016 14:21:29 +0000 I like the idea of tying your rewards to your goals. Sometimes the rewards we give ourselves end up hurting our progress towards our goals (like cheat days for dieting, or buying expensive items for budgeting, etc.). This has got me thinking about some relevant rewards I can give myself for accomplishing my 2016 goals.
