Comments on: 10 Signs You’re Not Meant to Freelance Make More. Save More. Live Better. Wed, 19 Oct 2016 02:05:56 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mustard Seed Money Wed, 19 Oct 2016 02:05:56 +0000 This is a great list and really made me think. There are some things on the list that I know I need to work on if I want to pursue freelance work. As an introvert I don’t feel like I am naturally go leveraging the contacts in my network. Thanks again for the awesome article.

By: Colin // RebelwithaPlan Wed, 19 Oct 2016 00:51:33 +0000 I really like two of the points you gave: being afraid of rejection and lack of motivation. Those are super important. You HAVE to have a strong desire to do what you do in freelancing. It gets you through those days when you would rather just want to lay in bed, watch Netflix, or get distracted with other things.

Lauren Berger, CEO of Intern Queen, said you’re going to get rejected for the rest of your life, so get used to it and embrace it. I like that perspective towards it.

By: Fruclassity (Ruth) Wed, 19 Oct 2016 00:48:36 +0000 Wow! I think that freelancing in retirement will be about right for me. I would find it stressful to have to rely upon the uncertain income. And that’s way too much to juggle all at the same time. I love writing and I love writing about about the power we have via our money management – but part time, and with no necessity of making an income from it. Thanks for an honest peek into full-time freelancing, Erin.

By: Syed Tue, 18 Oct 2016 20:18:00 +0000 Great points Erin. I like getting regular income and I don’t think I would want to sacrifice time with family and other activities to go full time freelancing. I’m happy keeping it as a side hustle for now while working on excelling at my full time job.

By: Dmitri Kara Tue, 18 Oct 2016 11:51:35 +0000 Great article there Erin! In my humble opinion, to be a good freelancer often comes down to leadership, but not int terms of leading a team (although that IS an common situation), but being a your own leader. I myself used to have sever issues with motivation, focus and confidence, but at a certain point I realized that I simply had to stand up to myself. As a wise man once said, that the mind is a instrument and You/I/We should be it’s master, not it’s slave. That’s where I realized I had to buckle up and overcome my own insecurities, which eventually led to being, acting and as a better and more confident professional, which was crucial to my overall performance and most importantly – the way I feel! Cheers

By: Tia @ FinanciallyFitandFab Tue, 18 Oct 2016 01:22:12 +0000 oh man! This is an awesome post! Possibly the best that I have seen about the topic. I’ll tell you why…. We see on so many blogs the glamour of working from home. Sure, you may not have to put pants on until noon and you can go to the gym whenever you want. However, it truly takes hard work and dedication.

Although I would love to work on my blog full time, I am so used to consistent income. I would have to make quite a few lifestyle changes to get used to inconsistent income.

By: Aliyyah @RichAndHappyBlog Mon, 17 Oct 2016 22:22:28 +0000 I recently quit my day job to be a full-time blogger and freelancer. It’s scary but I think it will be worth it. I may reach out to you for some pointers. :-)
