It took me a while to come around on budgets, I have to admit. Through my 20s and into my early 30s, I bounced back and forth between writing down occasional budgets on the backs of envelopes and not really tracking my money at all. In other words, I wasn’t organized with my finances, and […]
Other Posts By Catherine
5 Ways Credit Cards Impact Your Credit Score (and 1 Way They Don’t)
I know a lot of PF bloggers are really down on credit cards, and I think that’s reasonable. They’re dangerous tools. On the other hand, so are a lot of things that are also really useful: stoves (fire!), cars (accidents!), chainsaws (enough said!). I’ve had a credit card since I was 18. As a freelancer […]
Read More >>What You Need to Know About Your HSA
This post is by our regular contributor, Catherine. If you’re like most Americans, you’re probably worried about having enough money to pay your medical bills — whether now or in the future. With premiums and deductibles going up every year, it makes sense to be concerned. But if you have access to a Health Savings […]
Read More >>Saving Money as a Single Woman
This post is by our new contributor, Catherine, who writes about personal finance at Catherine is a 30-something single woman living in the Midwest; she likes hiking, cooking, volunteering, and frugality. Women’s Money Week — now that’s a topic that’s near and dear to my heart. On my own blog, I write extensively about […]