Comments on: 7 Ways Stress Can Mess With Your Finances Make More. Save More. Live Better. Wed, 11 Nov 2015 19:22:47 +0000 hourly 1 By: SimplySave Wed, 11 Nov 2015 19:22:47 +0000 I’m totally guilty of buying more junk for when I’ve had a bad day!!

By: Erin @ Journey to Saving Tue, 10 Nov 2015 03:49:07 +0000 lifeandabudget I like the phrase “eating my money”! I agree that it’s easy to do. I’m not so much an emotional eater, but I do tend to snack when I get bored. Not good! I’m with you 100% on needing to have a better diet. We function better when we eat well. 

Thank you! I’m glad you enjoyed it. =)

By: lifeandabudget Tue, 10 Nov 2015 01:45:54 +0000 Oh goodness, I feel like I’ve been read and exposed because all of the above apply!  Especially the food.  I just wrote today on a few money habits I would like to kill in 2016 and one of them was “eating my money”.  I’m very much an emotional eater and when I get stressed, the first thing I want to do is reach for something to chew on.  It’s so easy to fall into this trap.

The best way I’ve managed to deal with my stress is through a better diet (ironically)!  When I’m eating meat/vegetables and laying off the carbs, my moods are much better.  I have mental clarity and don’t find myself stressing out about the little things.  Oh and laying off the sweets too:)

This is such a great post.  You are really an amazing writer, Erin.  I’m taking notes:)  Thanks!

By: Erin @ Journey to Saving Tue, 10 Nov 2015 01:24:10 +0000 Beachbudget That’s how it is for me, too. The busier I am, the more stressed I am, and the more likely things are to slip through the cracks. That’s why I’ve tried to automate things as much as possible. When I tried budgeting, I noticed very quickly that being busy meant not entering my transactions into a spreadsheet!

By: Erin @ Journey to Saving Tue, 10 Nov 2015 01:23:16 +0000 Eyesonthedollar I hear you on that – sleep rarely comes easily for me, and it’s much worse when you have a lot of things you’re trying to keep track of. Sleep and exercise and generally taking care of yourself is a good way to cope!

By: Erin @ Journey to Saving Tue, 10 Nov 2015 01:22:11 +0000 blonde_finance It makes sense to go for things that will make you happy when you’re having a bad day. It’s good that you’ve recognized that, though – not knowing your triggers is worse!

By: Beachbudget Tue, 10 Nov 2015 01:11:12 +0000 I think I’ve done all of those things except maybe making bad investment decisions. When I’m stressed it usually means i’m busy…to busy so I don’t  update my receipts into my budget spreadsheet, and if I don’t do it regularly I have a tendency to not monitor things as much to control cash flow. I’m there this week. lol! It’s kind of good stress, but stress nonetheless.
