Comments on: 4 Habits That Help You Save Money Make More. Save More. Live Better. Sat, 19 Sep 2015 15:26:06 +0000 hourly 1 By: DC @ Young Adult Money Fri, 04 Apr 2014 02:15:49 +0000 Tara Zee  Did not know you went to library school, that’s awesome!  I used to be a student worker in the library (in the IT department).  Worked with lots of librarians over the years, though.

By: Tara Zee Wed, 26 Mar 2014 11:52:53 +0000 DC, if you use Chrome, there’s an extension called Honey that has a button that appears on check-out pages that actually searches for coupons for you!  Saves a lot of time.  For sites that rarely have coupons like Amazon, I’ve never scored a discount, but it found a 15% off coupon on JC Penny that enabled me to get more baking items off my friend’s wedding registry for the money I was already planning on spending. :)

And I can’t second the library more.. as a library school graduate, I always promote the library. :)

By: DC @ Young Adult Money Tue, 25 Mar 2014 23:09:29 +0000 StudentDebtSurvivor I NEED one of those fancy coffee machines!  Just kidding, it would just be really nice.  I might look into it…

By: DC @ Young Adult Money Tue, 25 Mar 2014 23:09:02 +0000 ImpersonalFinance I brew a pot every morning and love it!  Even on thee weekends it’s something I look forward to.  Or I should say ESPECIALLY on the weekends because my mornings aren’t so extremely rushed.

By: ImpersonalFinance Tue, 25 Mar 2014 17:32:49 +0000 I’m all about saving money by brewing coffee at home!  And honestly, I never make a purchase anymore without checking my phone first to see if the product is cheaper elsewhere.  The only area we could improve upon is planning our meals.  We usually plan a week or so, but every now and again we won’t have anything planned for dinner and will end up spending $20 or so on a meal.  Not the best, and definitely something we could do better about.

By: StudentDebtSurvivor Tue, 25 Mar 2014 00:23:16 +0000 We save a ton of money on coffee, since bf bought his fancy coffee machine. I don’t drink coffee and was a little miffed by the cost of the machine when he bought it (used on ebay, but still expensive). But now the machine has more than paid for itself, since he can make coffee at home and isn’t heading to starbucks all the time.

By: DC @ Young Adult Money Mon, 24 Mar 2014 22:31:33 +0000 UgifterMy wife and I HATED the daily “what should we eat” conversation.  I think that’s why she took the initiative to start planning our meals for the week.  Makes grocery shopping easier, too.
