Comments on: How to Make Your Student Loans More Manageable Make More. Save More. Live Better. Tue, 30 Oct 2018 22:58:04 +0000 hourly 1 By: DC @ Young Adult Money Tue, 22 Dec 2015 21:26:51 +0000 Erin @ Journey to Saving Chonce Looking into loan consolidation/refinance is on my to do list for 2016.  It looks like it could be a good way to save some $ on interest allowing for more saving/investing in the short-term.

By: Erin @ Journey to Saving Tue, 22 Dec 2015 17:48:51 +0000 Chonce Nice! I’m with you on not wanting to take more than 10 years (or even 10) to pay back my loans. The Graduated option is definitely good to look at if you need a few years to get settled or have other debt to pay off.

By: Chonce Tue, 22 Dec 2015 14:20:44 +0000 I’m currently on a graduated plan and deciding on this option was pretty much a no brainer for me. I know I definitely don’t want to spend 10 years paying back my loans and I plan to pay more than the minimum starting next year so I don’t mind the minimum payment increasing. I’ve thought about refinancing/consolidating so I need to look into that more next year. It’s nice that all of these options exist to accommodate everyone’s situation and circumstances.

By: Erin @ Journey to Saving Mon, 21 Dec 2015 21:36:14 +0000 thebrokeprof I agree, though this post was tailored more toward those who are struggling to make payments as it is. Earning more and using the extra money toward debt is a great solution if it’s available, but some don’t have that luxury. Also agreed on using variable loans as a tactic if you know you can pay your loans off within a short time period (enough to where the rates wouldn’t surpass fixed rates).

By: thebrokeprof Mon, 21 Dec 2015 20:49:05 +0000 Nice overview.  The government plans are nice if you qualify, but everyone else would be much better off focusing on getting rid of their debt quickly.  I think it’s worth considering variable rate loans when refinancing.  While they seem to scare off some people, especially since they will be slowly going up again soon,  if you try to pay it off quickly the changing rate shouldn’t be a problem.

By: Erin @ Journey to Saving Mon, 21 Dec 2015 18:58:16 +0000 ShannonRyan Yes, it’s a shame we’re not educated on how we can manage them beforehand (and after). That would probably make a difference!

By: Erin @ Journey to Saving Mon, 21 Dec 2015 18:57:28 +0000 Laurie TheFrugalFarmer I know, I was disheartened to see that! It’s true that no debt is fun to deal with, but at the very least, student loan debt typically isn’t revolving like credit card debt. It’s a bit easier to see the light at the end of the tunnel in most cases.
