Comments on: How I Networked Into Almost Every Job I’ve Ever Had Make More. Save More. Live Better. Mon, 29 Sep 2014 14:47:58 +0000 hourly 1 By: SteveEconomides Mon, 29 Sep 2014 14:47:58 +0000 Love your stories. After 30+  years of working, my experience has been the same. Keep adding contacts to your LinkedIn profile. Those contacts will pay off. I once interviewed for a job and didn’t get it, but ended up that the interviewer was the aunt of a friend of mine. She later became a client. Then years later I hired her at a different company. Networking is huge!

By: mrsdebtfighter Wed, 09 Jul 2014 12:33:13 +0000 Me too, that is best way to land a new job!  I am HORRIBLE during interviews!  Fortunately, for me the jobs that I landed were because the people already knew me and whether or not I was good. :)

By: brokeandbeau Tue, 08 Jul 2014 11:22:25 +0000 Me too!  Particularly as I get older, almost every job comes from people I’ve worked with before or recommendations.

By: DebtChronicles Tue, 08 Jul 2014 11:16:35 +0000 My very first high school job at a drug store I got the “old fashioned way,” but when I got laid off from there I got a job at a restaurant primarily because I knew other people that worked there.  In college, I got a job at the computer lab because my brother worked there.  I got an on campus internship with IBM primarily because the people running it knew my brother.  I’ve worked for IBM ever since…so it definitely has paid off to know people.  :)

By: eemusings Tue, 08 Jul 2014 03:12:09 +0000 1st professional job – an internship led to a part time job led to a fulltime job after graduation.

2nd job – actually kind of the same thing (applied for internship, wound up with a tiny bit of regular freelance work and eventually a job offer … sort of in parallel with the first job but slightly different timeline)

3rd job – cold application BUT had previously worked with the manager which I am sure helped a lot.

By: Eyesonthedollar Tue, 08 Jul 2014 02:37:03 +0000 I haven’t applied for an actual job since my residency, and I actually didn’t get the position I applied for. I got one that I found out was vacant through one of my instructors, so I guess I networked that one as well. If you know someone who can vouch for you, I think it goes a long way. I know when I’ve hired employees, word of mouth referrals were better than any resume.

By: DC @ Young Adult Money Mon, 07 Jul 2014 23:37:10 +0000 Beachbudget Hey WHAT’S WRONG WITH PIZZA!?!?!? Just kidding, but seriously I still eat at Davanni’s and Pizza Hut all the time – delicious!  I think freelancing is definitely a high level of word-of-mouth referrals, and for good reason: it’s hard to find someone you can trust when there are hundreds of thousands of freelancers out there.
