Comments on: Why Making Money is better than Saving Money Make More. Save More. Live Better. Sat, 28 Feb 2015 15:19:04 +0000 hourly 1 By: Gen Y Finance Guy Sat, 28 Feb 2015 15:19:04 +0000 DC @ Young Adult Money Gen Y Finance Guy michaelk51

No argument here. There is a floor to how much you can save, but there is no ceiling on how much you can earn.

I am totally with you DC.

By: DC @ Young Adult Money Sat, 28 Feb 2015 03:57:46 +0000 Gen Y Finance Guy michaelk51 This logic doesn’t take into consideration the fact that you can’t simply “save” an extra $50k a year.  You could certainly earn an extra $50k a year.  There’s only so many ways to cut costs.

By: Gen Y Finance Guy Fri, 27 Feb 2015 18:53:45 +0000 michaelk51 What about the taxes you had to pay on the dollar you saved. There is no way around taxes.

By: michaelk51 Fri, 27 Feb 2015 18:20:25 +0000 Interesting article, but I disagree…
For each additional dollar saved, you get 100% of that dollar.
For each additional dollar earned, you get 75% of that dollar (the government gets the rest).
A dollar saved > A dollar earned.

By: DC @ Young Adult Money Fri, 27 Feb 2015 17:50:27 +0000 Jay at Thinking Wealthy DC @ Young Adult Money moneypropeller Jay we certainly think alike.  My wife is getting her masters in counseling and we certainly plan on paying off ALL our student loans (grad and undergrad) before having kids.  We would really like to sock away as much as possible, too.  We’ll have kids in our 30s but for now just keep the money, education, and travel coming!

By: DC @ Young Adult Money Fri, 27 Feb 2015 04:48:25 +0000 Frugal Italian Family I think both are important as well, and we have certainly cut our expenses quite a bit the past few years.  But once you’ve focused on cutting expenses and have a system down for how to keep them as low as you are comfortable with I think it’s time to shift your focus to making more money.

By: DC @ Young Adult Money Fri, 27 Feb 2015 04:47:33 +0000 Gen Y Finance Guy Thanks for sharing your thoughts on the topic!  I agree that in many of these situations it depends on what your goals are.  Some people have goals that will require very little monthly income, so it makes increasing your income less important (unless you have early retirement goals).
