Comments on: 5 Lessons Learned from Freelancing Make More. Save More. Live Better. Mon, 18 May 2015 01:42:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: DC @ Young Adult Money Mon, 18 May 2015 01:42:00 +0000 Sarah Brooks DC @ Young Adult Money Hey sorry I just saw this comment!  It took me about 7 months to start making money.  Prior to that I was breaking even.  Keep in mind that those first 7 months I worked harder than I ever have since.

By: Sarah Brooks Fri, 24 Oct 2014 12:45:19 +0000 DC @ Young Adult Money Sarah Brooks Completely agree!! That’s awesome that you were able to crank out 5 posts per week for a whole year. Great job!! You are proof that hard work pays off and are an inspiration! I read something yesterday that said in order to “monetize” you have to have at least 50 good posts and be posting for 3 months minimum. While I’m not looking to monetize yet, it’s definitely a goal of mine in the future, though I think it will take me longer than 3 months!! How long did it take for you if you don’t mind me asking??

Thanks! Hope you’re enjoying your Friday :)

By: DC @ Young Adult Money Fri, 24 Oct 2014 04:03:13 +0000 Sarah Brooks I did five posts a week the first year of my blog and it was TOUGH.  It took up almost all my free time.  Now, writing about three posts a week is still taking up a ton of my free time.  The time commitment is something you can’t get away from.  You need to put in your time and provide value if you want to get paid or build a product that generates revenue.

By: Sarah Brooks Thu, 23 Oct 2014 13:35:58 +0000 Being realistic about your time totally rings true for me!! When I first started my blog, I had hopes of posting 5x’s per week. With two little ones and a bunch of freelancing jobs, I don’t know what I was thinking!! I’m pretty busy as it is, so I’ve rethought my goals and will now post a minimum of 3x’s per week and if I have time, I’ll post more since it’s something I love. But I shouldn’t be putting extra pressure on myself! Eventually we will have more time!

Thanks for the post!

By: dwyer Fri, 12 Sep 2014 10:49:42 +0000 DC @ Young Adult Money Money_Angels 
Hi, I’m new to this so pls excuse me if you have replied but it “Looks” like its awaiting a reply? Thanking you in advance, Craig

By: dwyer Wed, 03 Sep 2014 13:42:51 +0000 DC @ Young Adult Money Money_Angels 
new to this freelance possibility of income. My skill is Excel
– medium level as not VBA but Vlookups etc. Questions; if I worked off as an example, but full time – what would be your best guess $/pa
Yr1. Tricky to answer I understand & Yr2 would grow exponentially but it’s
that Yr1 -getting off the ground that I am interested in pls.
Looks like dozens of people bid for each Project but
“Others” state more work than they can handle – would you say that
sites like can provide sufficient work to keep me busy (Full
Time) even though in competition for Projects
In the initial stages a Client may be perhaps not fully
happy with the output – what I would want to avoid is getting a bad reputation
as that would damage future chances of securing Projects. Obviously I will do
my very best efforts, but these things do happen in the initial set up stages
so your guidance would be most welcome pls
Once accepted for a Project, how do you suggest I “manage
expectations” or the Client could be coming back for changes for another
6mths!! Handling this aspect efficiently is my BIGGEST concern
Not sure how this Forum works so hopefully I get a response but
my email is as follows just in case; Many Thanks, Craig

By: StaplerConfessions Thu, 03 Apr 2014 14:26:29 +0000 This is a great reminder for me. We own a small business, and are negotiating our second product sale with another business but getting lowballed. He is asking for an inferior product in exchange for a lower price and we’re not comfortable being associated with an inferior product — and wondering if he’ll eventually pay full price if we refuse to compromise on our product. We’re about to say “no” to him, so these comments are really helpful in reminding us to stick to our guns.
