Comments on: 5 Ways to Make Money Blogging Make More. Save More. Live Better. Mon, 14 Mar 2016 02:43:02 +0000 hourly 1 By: deardebt Mon, 07 Oct 2013 02:43:13 +0000 This is so helpful! I didn’t get into blogging to make money, but now that I’ve been doing it for 9 months, it wouldn’t hurt :) And it would help me pay off debt quicker! I am still a novice when it comes to making money and understanding blogging from a financial standpoint, so I am saving this for reference!

By: DC @ Young Adult Money Wed, 02 Oct 2013 02:44:16 +0000 In reply to RFIndependence.

RFIndependence Why not? Just kidding : P

By: RFIndependence Tue, 01 Oct 2013 07:27:10 +0000 $20 per click is insane! I never got more than around $2, but won’t turn my blog into an SEO bore just to make money with CPC.

By: DC @ Young Adult Money Tue, 01 Oct 2013 03:30:32 +0000 In reply to MicrosMissions.

MicrosMissions I didn’t make a dime my first seven months and I posted 5-6 times a week, every week.  Definitely spent countless hours commenting on blogs (and continue to!).  I think most people focus on monetizing too early (you could argue I did) and should really just focus on building a solid site that gets Google traffic and has a regular readership.

By: DC @ Young Adult Money Tue, 01 Oct 2013 03:28:54 +0000 In reply to Brian @ Luke1428.

Brian @ Luke1428 I put adsense in my design from day one so that readers would be used to them.  I also have talked to some of the “old-timers” who have been around 5+ years and there sometimes are keywords that get a ton per click (think $10-$25 per click).  It takes effort, of course, to implement a strategy like that and I have not targeted keywords specifically for adsense clicks.  But anyway I think some people ditch it because they are trying to push people towards something else, like affiliate links in banners or just want a clean layout and will push certain products/services at one point or another.  Definitely varies from blogger to blogger.

By: DC @ Young Adult Money Tue, 01 Oct 2013 03:25:22 +0000 In reply to KyleJames1.

KyleJames1 So true!  That’s one of the most frustrating things about a corporate job – your effort and output do not really equal your pay or bonus/raise.  In blogging it really all comes down to what you can produce and how much time you put in.

By: DC @ Young Adult Money Tue, 01 Oct 2013 03:22:57 +0000 In reply to moneystepper.

moneystepper I like both commission junction and flexoffers (or linkoffers for financial-related affiliates).  I had some problems with flexoffers and others have preferred commission junction.  Was disappointed when cj had drastically lower payouts for identical programs that I compared, though.  I’m sure it goes both ways.
