Comments on: How to Make Money as a Social Media Manager Make More. Save More. Live Better. Fri, 06 Jul 2018 09:57:15 +0000 hourly 1 By: Stefan Ciancio Fri, 06 Jul 2018 09:57:15 +0000 Hi Jessica,

This is a great article. Social media managers are in demand lately. Everyone realizes how important they are to their companies, especially that each platform requires a different kind of management. So, hiring a specialist in that field is very profitable.

I would think, as a business owner, that it’d be better if I could find a person who can manage the platforms I work on. That means I wouldn’t want to hire three people for Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. I’d rather have one person do all three.

So, if it is possible, a social media manager should come up with a strategy to define his client base depending on 2 or 3 platforms they know very well and are the most used in a certain niche.

Thank you for the amazing article!
