Comments on: Should You Switch Banks? Here’s 5 Times You Should Consider It Make More. Save More. Live Better. Wed, 01 May 2019 23:56:21 +0000 hourly 1 By: Rachel Slifka Sat, 30 Jun 2018 06:06:17 +0000 In reply to JoeHx.

I used to use a credit union, but unfortunately had to switch banks once I moved. We are big Capital One 360 fans, but I have been meaning to check out Ally after hearing good things.

By: Rachel Slifka Sat, 30 Jun 2018 06:04:39 +0000 In reply to giulia.

That’s a great idea! I’ve never thought of negotiating with a bank – it never hurts to ask!

By: JoeHx Fri, 29 Jun 2018 14:23:06 +0000 I’m on my third bank – actually a local credit union. Each switch was mostly for convenience, although I think of the three, I prefer my credit union in terms of service.

I’m also on my second online savings bank. I used to use CapitalOne360/ING Direct, but switched to Ally for better a better rate.

By: Good Nelly Thu, 28 Jun 2018 08:08:33 +0000 Nice article to think about switching banks. Often we become loyal to a bank and don’t switch even if we face problems.
Especially, while moving out, it’s better to switch if the previous bank doesn’t have a branch close to the new place. Sometimes, it is needed to visit a branch and talk face-to-face. So, I feel it’s a point one should consider while deciding whether or not to switch banks.
Another important thing is fees. One should consider this as it doesn’t make sense to be loyal with a bank and pay higher fees.

By: giulia Wed, 27 Jun 2018 14:39:31 +0000 Sometimes I think about switch to another bank, but the I see if the y can offer a good deal and usually we find a goo solution so this is why I have the same bank from 2009

By: Michelle L Wed, 27 Jun 2018 12:46:55 +0000 I dont know of any bank which doesnt have high fees. lol
