Comments on: SoFi Review 2020: Get a $300 Welcome Bonus Make More. Save More. Live Better. Mon, 29 Jun 2020 12:11:02 +0000 hourly 1 By: Carl Mon, 29 Jun 2020 12:11:02 +0000 SoFi sounds like a very good product.

It’s my first time coming across this type of product so I cannot say much, I can only try to understand more about it.

I am looking forward to more posts along the lines of Student Loan Refinancing.

The affiliate program looks interesting as well. I will look into that thanks.

By: David Carlson Thu, 20 Feb 2020 00:05:23 +0000 In reply to Patrick.

That’s a tough situation. It’s similar to getting a mortgage, they are going to want to see a longer history of consistent income from a self-employed job (usually two years or more). Because you mentioned your write-offs, are saying you make $50k before or after write-offs? And how long have you been self-employed?

Most people don’t have this option but it’s worth mentioning: having a cosigner makes it much easier to get approved for student loan refi and you will get better rates.

By: Patrick Wed, 19 Feb 2020 13:22:37 +0000 Any advice for someone that is self-employed and wants to refinance their private loans? I have been trying for some time, but all of the banks think I am a risk because of my write-offs even though I make over 50k and have a great credit score. It’s furstrating.
