Regular health tips that will change your life

In this post we are going to see 30 regular health tips, which will shape your life in the way you want.

1. Drink plenty of water

Drinking plenty of water can help you to lose your weight. Research suggests that increasing water intake can promote weight loss by slightly increasing your metabolism. You have to drink approximately 3 litres of water every day but consume it evenly the whole day instead of drinking more at a time.

2. Eat your meal properly

Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a beggar. A recent research indicates that we can lose more weight if we consume more calories in the morning and less in the evening. Thus, if you follow the above principle you can be healthier and thinner.

3. Eat more natural foods and fruits and avoid processed foods

Antioxidants and nutrients are rich in organic food that support heart health, including magnesium and healthy fats. Eating a diet rich in nutritious, unprocessed foods may also help reduce inflammation, which is considered one of the major drivers of heart disease.

4. Spend some time for exercise and prayer

Nowadays we are consuming preservative foods or processed foods. Therefore, we must do some workout every day to be healthy. Moreover, exercise is the key to healthy and happier life. Science has shown that there is a link between exercise and happiness. And be thankful to god for your happiest life forever.

5. Play as much as you can everyday

Play can also stimulate your imagination, helping you adapt and solve problems. In addition, it improves relationships and your connection to others. By sharing fun and smiles can foster the ability to understand, feelings, trust, and intimacy with others.

6. Read more books everyday

A person who reads everyday gains more knowledge than those who read less. Apparently, daily readers also get more confidence from it than others. It can even improve memory, creativity and critical thinking skills. And activities like reading and writing have been linked to a lower risk of Alzheimer’s disease.

7. Relax in solitude for 10 minutes a day

It improves your mental wellbeing. Researchers have shown that people who learn to find comfort in being alone tend to be happier, experience lower levels of stress and are less likely to have depression.

Health tips that change your life

Regular health tips

8. Sleep at least 7 hours a day

Sleep is directly connected to our healthy body. People who sleep more than 7 hours a day has lower risk for serious health problems, like diabetes and heart disease. It also reduces stress and improves your mood. You will think more clearly and do better in school and at work and get connected better with people.

9. Practice walking for at least 10 to 30 minutes a day

Regular brisk walking can help you lose your weight and body fat – one of the key health tips. It prevents or manages various conditions, including heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, cancer and type 2 diabetes and also improves cardiovascular fitness.

10. Never compare yourself to others

By constantly comparing ourselves to others, we are wasting our precious energy focusing on other peoples’ lives rather than our own. Comparisons often result in resentment. It creates anger towards others and upon ourselves. The best example is immigrants get high paying jobs compared to the inhabitants.

11. Never ever have negative thoughts

Negative thoughts occurs when we do overthinking. This tends to happen when we have few distractions. Negative thinking can contribute to problems such as social anxiety, depression, stress, and low self-esteem. To stop negative thinking, try to distract yourself by helping others, follow your passion, practice yoga or meditation or whichever you feel satisfied in spending your valuable time.

12. Do as much work as you can

Too much exercise can lead to exhaustion and depression. Do not overdo it. It can also damage your physical body. You should never ignore the signs of overworking. The lack of energy, insomnia, and a weak immune system are some of the most common symptoms that come with it. Not only is overworking bad for your health, but it also has a negative impact on your everyday life.

13. Do not waste your energy on talking about others

Gossip – It could be easy to talk about others but it it is unhealthy and waste of time. If you talk something bad about others, the negative energy first starts from you and it will affect you more than the others. Try to change the focus to how could you help that person overcome their struggles.

14. Dream a lot about the future when you are awake

Dreaming what you want to achieve is a kind of attracting the universe – law of attraction. The more you dream, the faster you can achieve your desire.

15. Being jealous of others is a waste of time

Jealous on others is uncontrollable. It triggers problematic behaviours such as seeking failures on others, feeling insecure or lacking confidence and attractiveness. Remember that you already have what you need.

16. Try to forget the past. The past will distort your present

Past has both good memories and bad memories. However, most of the time we will get bad memories, which only hurt and give pain. It will never heal and will not give any solution either but keeps re-opening the wound. This life is too short to allow yourself to think about the past. Be positive and accumulate good memories.

17. Do not hate anyone in this short period of living

It’s a good habit that you do not hate anyone. This is also a positive attitude to deal with people whom you don’t like. It makes you smart and adapt at any situation. Never ever hate anyone or anything. It will be engraved in your heart, and it will be very difficult for you to forget it or let it go.

18. Learn to be happy always

Being happy is good for our physical and mental health. If you learn to be happy, it reduces our stress, anxiety and depression, and improves our body immune system. Feeling positive every day has a big effect on our happiness and well-being.

19. Life is a school and you have come to learn. Problems and issues are lessons here

Life teaches many lessons either it is good or bad and we have a choice to do. Most people have problems and issues on their own and with different levels. We should learn to overcome all the situations either from our own mistakes or from other’s experience.

20. Say no to what you don’t like or what you don’t want to do

This will solve many problems in the early stage itself. The right yes allows you to serve others, cooperate successfully and increase your value. Saying ‘no’ doesn’t always mean that we don’t want to put in an effort or showing disapproval. It simply means that you value your promises and like to see them through.

21. If you are abroad or away from your home, often keep in touch with your family, friends and loved ones

We have may opportunities and entertainment compared to our home country. Therefore, we will be busy in our daily life. However, we sometimes have to deal with the stressful life. Friends and family can make you feel included and cared for. They can help with different views from whatever problems that you are facing at times. They can help keep you active and keep you grounded.

22. Learn to forgive others

Learning to forgive reduces anger, stress and depression that people experience. People who forgive also become more optimistic, hopeful, compassionate and have enhanced conflict resolution skills.

23. Devote some time with elders and young children

Studies show both kids and elders benefit from spending time together, can help them feel valued. Nowadays, older adults are more educated, healthier, and able than previous generations. It may reduce social isolation and increase well-being when we are with children. Therefore pay attention to those over 70 and those under 6 years old.

24. Do not worry about what others will think about you

If you worry what others think, you are wasting time because they could be criticizing you for something they regret. If you fail they will be happy and if you are success they won’t care about it. Some people can’t make you feel a certain way about yourself.

25. Learn to respect others

‘Respect’ means treating everyone and everything with care. The golden rule is to treat others the way you would like to be treated.

26. Do what you think is right

Doing what you think is right does not necessarily mean doing the popular thing. In fact, it often means doing that which is unpopular. Just follow the gut feeling.

27. Be thankful to God everyday

We should be thankful to God for what he has done, for giving us this beautiful world we live in. Many people are dying in hunger or suffer in disability. We should be happy for what we have and say thanks to God everyday.

28. Keep searching and enjoying the happiness inside you

Happiness is the experience of enjoying the moment that you are in. It’s beautiful and something that we all deserve.

29. Remove everything that doesn’t suits you

Remove what doesn’t gives you happiness, what doesn’t gives you beauty and what doesn’t gives you peace of mind.

30. Any situation will definitely change one day

Either good or bad, it will change one day. So be calm and enjoy the fullest of your life.