If you shop at Target as often as my family does, you know how those Target trips add up over time.
That’s why it’s important to focus on saving money. If you saved $200 a month on purchases you already make, that’s an extra $2,400 a year. Who’s up for a vacation?
Today I want to talk about 8 ways to save money shopping at Target. Target has offered many incentives for shoppers – especially frequent shoppers – that will slash the price of their bill and allow them to keep more money in their pockets.
1) Target REDcard
You are missing out on some big savings if you regularly shop at Target and don’t use the Target REDcard. When customers check out and use their Target REDcard for payment they automatically get 5% off their transaction. There are no exceptions: 5% saved every purchase.
To sign up for the REDcard go to Target.com and look for this image in the upper-right hand corner of the page:

The best thing about the Target REDcard is that it doesn’t have to be another store credit card. Instead, customers can sign up for the check card version of the Target REDcard and have it linked to their bank account. This is what my wife and I did a couple years ago and our only regret is not signing up sooner.
2) Pharmacy Rewards
There are many places to get your prescriptions filled, Target included. One little-known perk that Target offers is a pharmacy rewards program. It keeps track of how many prescriptions you’ve filled and once you have filled 5 you get a 5% off coupon.
This 5% off coupon can be used on top of your 5% Target REDcard discount and any other coupons and promotions. It can be used both online and in the store.
Target also sometimes offers “double months” where filling one prescription is worth two credits. That means if you fill three prescriptions you would get a 5% off coupon as well as be 1/5 of the way to your next 5% off coupon.
3) Target Coupons
Target has a wide selection of store coupons that are updated constantly. If you want to view current store coupons, go to their coupon section of Target.com. You can filter by category and select specific coupons to print. If you make a weekly habit of checking Target coupons you can save a lot of money over time.
I should also point out that Target store coupons sometimes shows up in newspaper inserts. They also are sometimes printed when you check out. In fact, I think I get at least one coupon every time I check out at a Target store.
4) Manufacturer Coupons
One thing that is great about Target’s coupon policy is that they allow you to use both a Target coupon and a manufacturer coupon on the same item. As you can imagine this can lead to significant savings.
You can find great coupons on Coupons.com. The advantage of using coupons.com is it is easy to find coupons specifically for items you plan on purchasing versus having pages and pages of coupon inserts for things you won’t end up buying.
If you’re new to couponing consider checking out our post 12 Tips for Beginner Couponers.
5) The cartwheel App
Cartwheel is a way to save money at Target without having to clip coupons. Cartwheel is an app that you can download on your phone or use on your computer.
Target loads it with offers and promotions that you can take advantage of. For example, they may be running a cartwheel promotion where you save 20% off any one men’s clothing item.
When my wife and I go to Target on the weekend we can find anywhere from 5 to 15 things on cartwheel that we planned on buying anyway. It takes a little extra effort but it can account to some pretty significant savings over time.
According to the Target website, cartwheel users have already saved more than $120 million. That’s no small number!
6) Sales & Clearance
One of the easiest ways to save money at Target is purchasing their sales and clearance items and stacking them with Target and manufacturer coupons. The sales for various items come in cycles. For example, Target has jeans year-round. For whatever reason, they go on sale at least a couple times a year and can be more than 50% off for the same item that is full-price other weeks.
Target, like other retailers, always has clearance items. These may be seasonal items or just items that they need to sell to open up more space on the shelves. Target also has clearance items online.
7) Gift Card Promotions
If you read the weekly ad for Target one thing you will notice is that almost every week they offer gift card promotions. For example, they may have an offer that says if you buy three toiletry items you get a free $5 gift card.
These promotions are typically good enough on their own to justify taking advantage of them, but they can be even more valuable when combined with Target coupons and manufacturer coupons.
8) Free Shipping
Many people are excited about Target’s recent announcement that it was going to offer free shipping on every order that is place through Christmas. There is no minimum order amount required and I’m sure many shoppers will take advantage of it.
What people might not know is that you can get free shipping on every order year-round if you have a Target REDcard. Not only that, you also get the regular 5% off when you use your REDcard, same as you would in the store.
I would highly recommend taking advantage of some of these ways to save money shopping at Target whether you regularly shop there or not. There are some people who take advantage of none of these offers and they ultimately will end up paying significantly more over time than those who take advantage of them.
At the very least consider signing up for a Target REDcard so that you can easily save 5% on every purchase. Remember, you can get this as a check card instead of a credit card.
Do you shop at Target? Why or why not? Do you take advantage of any of these ways to save money at Target?
Photo by Kevin Dooley
I have a few clients with the Target Red Card and they love it. I just signed up for the cartwheel app, though, so I am trying that way to save at Target. Seriously, though, the best way I try to save at Target is by not even stepping in the store. I joke with my friends that there is a $100 cover charge for me at Target where I can’t seem to leave the store without spending a minimum of $100.
Good to know regarding the Cartwheel app. I’d heard about it, but wasn’t sure how it worked. I always like easy coupons and that sounds great. We get most of our household supplies from Costco, but Target is my next best option if Costco doesn’t carry a product. Thanks for the tips!
I really wish Target was closer to my house because they have great prices on groceries. Unfortunately, it is a 20 minute drive and pain to get there.
While those who know me know that I would never be able to get a Red Card (not only b/c I’m anti credit card but b/c I seriously need a chaperone in Target!!), I am a HUGE fan of the Cartwheel app. I use it all the time. The only downside is that it requires service and sometimes it won’t load while I’m at the register! But other that that, I think it’s genius. I hope all couponing goes in this direction (electronic / phones).
Tip #9: Shop at Walmart!
I planned on signing up with target red because it’s where I do a good majority of my non-grocery shopping. I love that store…almost too much, if you know what I mean.
Target is one of those stores that’s a danger zone for me- go there for one thing, leave with a million. That’s why I do almost all my shopping online now :)
I don’t shop at Target because it’s about 20 minutes away, but also because whenever I’ve gone there, I’ve left empty handed. I find their prices are way above Walmart’s prices, even when things are on sale. So, it’s not really worth the gas to go there. My sister who lives in another state shops there all the time and constantly touts it’s virtues. I may have to try it again sometime now that they have all of these extra perks! Thanks for the info, DC! :)
Target is offering 10% off gift card purchases on Black Friday in the morning. That might be reason to get me into a store on that day.
I’ve never heard of the cartwheel app before, thanks for sharing. The closest (Canadian) Target to me is over an hour away, so I basically never go there, ever.
Check check and check! I’ve been a Target fan for a while, and I love the features of my REDcard. The sad thing now is that I moved and don’t have one as conveniently located. Many people sign up for wedding and baby registries at Target, and I’ve benefited from the free shipping and extra 5% off to send gifts to people even when I can’t make the event.
blonde_finance Haha Target can be dangerous if you don’t go in with a set list of things to buy. We typically do because we go for groceries, but those times where we randomly look at clothes and other things the cost of the trip can rise quick.
Mrs. Frugalwoods I’ve actually never even stepped foot in a Costco, but I hear people talk about it constantly. I’ve heard they have really cheap cake there, as that’s where we get it for work retirements, birthdays, etc.
Holly at ClubThrifty Hmmm 20 minutes is definitely not a close drive, especially if you are getting groceries. Our Target is basically walking distance so we go there quite a bit.
theFinancegirl The REDcard is actually a debit card, not a credit card! It’s the same as if you used a check card or even withdrew cash from your bank account to pay for things. Cartwheel saved us $7 this weekend. Those savings really add up over time.
Mark at Bare Budget Guy I actually have started to shop at Walmart a bit the past couple years. Some of their groceries are good, but overall I still don’t like their store for a number of reasons. I prefer Target.
Beachbudget I’d recommend you get set up with the REDcard as soon as you can. Victoria and I have literally saved hundreds simply from using it and that doesn’t count all these other ways that we cut our bill down.
brokeandbeau Haha sounds like you aren’t alone. Lots of people joke about leaving with far more than they came for when they go to Target. I know it’s happened to me!
I should point out that I feel like I spend more money online than I do in the store. It didn’t use to be that way, but it’s just so easy to add things to your cart on Amazon/Target/etc. that I tend to buy things that I didn’t plan on purchasing.
kay ~ lifestylevoices.com Very interesting. I do think Walmart has cheaper prices on various products, but you really have to slash all of Target’s prices by 5%, then factor in the deals/coupons/sales. We’ve found it to be comparable if not cheaper when all is said and done. Plus I just can’t stand Walmart’s stores, for whatever reason.
Eyesonthedollar I plan on taking full advantage of that! I actually will be mentioning that in a post later this week : )
moneypropeller Target Canada has really struggled because Canada is so much different than the United States from a distribution standpoint. It’s too bad there isn’t one closer, it’s a great place to shop imo.
DC @ Young Adult Money kay ~ lifestylevoices.com I know. I can’t stand to go to walmart after 7 in the morning. Before that, it’s peaceful, after that, well, you know the rest! As for Target, it’s just not convenient being as far away as it is. If we were closer, I would for sure go for it with all the deals, just for the simple fact that it’s a much more pleasant atmosphere, even when crowded.
BudgetandBees Nice! We also are big Target fans and enjoy the free shipping and 5% off. It’s hard to feel bad for people who don’t get the 5% off because it seems like they are always pushing it at the checkout register.
Great tips, DC. I’m big fan of Target too, although the Cartwheel app is new to me. It sounds great and I will have to check it out. It seems like we’re in there at least once a week, so any savings will add over time. I hope you and Victoria have a wonderful Thanksgiving, DC!
Man, I hate always comparing what we have to the US, but my wife and I just love Target when we’re in the US! We have a version of Target here, but it doesn’t even come close.
All great tips DC, that cartwheel app sounds pretty cool – I’ll keep these tips in mind next time I’m visiting the US!
I’m a big fan of Target. I go there pretty often for most of my needs and it’s conveniently located near my place of work. I also have the Target RedCard which is pretty awesome and I just started using Cartwheel. Another extra way to save if shopping online is to use a shopping portal which gives you cash back for shopping at Target. You can still pay with your RedCard for the free shipping and 5% off.
I love Target, and it’s just down the road from us (it’s a “Super” Target as well). We have the REDcard, I check their coupons before we go, and I always shop their clearance racks. I think I tried downloading the Cartwheel app once, but it didn’t work that great on my phone. I’ll have to try it again.
kay ~ lifestylevoices.com DC @ Young Adult Money I hear you. Target can be quite chaotic on Sunday afternoon/evening, though, especially in the grocery aisles!
ShannonRyan We are the same way, at least once a week. It’s really close to where we live and I think it’s a much better store than Walmart. Hope you have a great Thanksgiving too!
Jason@Islands of Investing Perhaps one day Target will expand to Australia ;) I know a lot of Americans living abroad miss certain things – like Target – and wish they had those things where they were living, so you definitely are not alone.
Andrew LivingRichCheaply That’s a great suggestion! I did not think about the shopping portal option, so I’ll have to keep it in mind next time I plan on shopping at Target.com.
Erin @ Journey to Saving Cartwheel is a pretty good deal and it seems like everyone wins. I’m assuming Target lists things they are either trying to promote or trying to move inventory quicker.
We’re big Target fans as well. We have one within walking distance of our house actually, which can be a challenge to stay away from when the weather is nicer. ;) I’ve heard some good things about the Cartwheel app before, though have never used it – I may have to check it out.
Great post as I’m heading to Target this morning :) I use coupons and the Cartwheel app, but have yet to sign up for the red card. I don’t know why!!!! I am going to do this before leaving. They always ask in the store and I never have a check w/ me and usually by that point my little ones just want out of the store haha! Thanks for the encouragement!!
FrugalRules Nice, we also have one walking distance! The cartwheel app is good, but you really do have to get in the habit of using it. Once you’re in the habit it’s hard to stop using it, though.
Sarah Brooks You really need to get the REDcard. I know a lot of people – myself included – put it off longer than they should have. It’s simply a debit card so no different than using your check card…except for the fact you get 5% off!