Benefits of Peanuts | How peanuts protect our health

In this post we will see the benefits and tricks of peanuts that are not known to people.. !!

In the field where groundnut is cultivated in our country there will not be as many rats in the field until it is the season for nuts. But after the groundnut fruiting season, the rats can be seen to have overgrown.

A good example of this is the peanut-eating goats, cows, dogs, and birds all around the field at the same time. These animals are growing faster because peanuts are high in folic acid. Therefore, women who regularly eat peanuts have a smooth functioning of the uterus. It will not only stop developing uterine tumors and cysts, but also increases changes of pregnancy.

Preventing Diabetes

Groundnut kills sugar! It is rich in manganese. Manganese plays an important role in the conversion of nutrients and fats. Calcium from the food we eat is also used to get to our body. Women in particular can protect themselves from osteoporosis (bones become brittle and fragile from loss of tissue) if they eat peanuts regularly.

Benefits of Peanuts

Dissolving Gallstones

Eating 30 grams of groundnut daily can help prevent the formation of gallstones. This information was revealed in a study, which is conducted for around 20 years.

Heart Protection

We think eating peanuts will affect our health put on weight but that is not true. Conversely, those who think they should not gain weight can also eat peanuts and get 100 percent benefits of it. Groundnut is rich in resveratrol (has antioxidant properties). It protects the heart valves. It also prevents heart disease. This is one of the best antioxidants.

Maintaining Youth

It helps greatly in maintaining youth. Groundnut contains an antioxidant called polyphenols. It is used to prevent us from getting sick and to maintain youth.

Increases Memory Power

Peanuts are good tonic for the brain development. Peanuts contain vitamin 3 niacin which is used for brain development. It is very beneficial for brain development and memory. It also regulates blood flow.


Groundnut has tryptophan, which is a rich essential amino acid. This type of amino acid stimulates the brain called serotonin. Used to produce biochemicals. Serotonin stimulates the brain nerves. It also relieves stress in those who regularly eat peanuts.

Reduces Fat

Readers who read the heading may be surprised but that is the truth. Many of us would have thought that eating peanuts would be high in fat but that is not true. Instead, peanuts contain fat that is good for humans.  

The copper and zinc nutrient in peanuts reduces the harmful fats in our body and increases the good fats. 100 grams of peanuts contain 24 grams of monounsaturated fat. It contains 16 grams of polyunsaturated fat.

These two types of fats are the fats that are good for our body. Peanuts have more beneficial fat than almonds. The omega-3 nutrient in peanuts boosts our body’s immune system.

Groundnut that impressed Americans

India is the second largest producer of groundnut in the world after China. Groundnut is also a major contributor to the population of both countries. The practice of eating peanuts is a barrier to the sale of pediatric medicines in India and some heart related medicines cannot be sold.

Hence, some misinformation have been spread about groundnut across India and reduced the use of groundnut and groundnut oils. This has led to an increase in childless couples.

For the last several years, the price of groundnut in India has been selling at the same price without any major change. But over the same period, the share of peanuts in the American diet has increased 15 times and the prices have risen. Misinformation about groundnuts has been spread among Indians because if all Indians start eating groundnuts then Americans should buy peanuts at a higher price.

End of Ovarian Dysfunction

Peanuts regulate the normal hormonal growth of women. This prevents women from having premature births and developing breast cancer in women. Groundnut is rich in folic acid, phosphorus, calcium, potassium, zinc, iron, vitamins and crutamic acid which are essential for women. It also prevents women from developing ovarian tumors and cysts.

Rich in Nutrients

100 grams of groundnut is rich in the following nutrients.

Carbohydrate – 21mg
Fiber – 9mg
Soluble fat – 40mg
Protein – 25mg
Tryptophan – 0.24g
Tryonine – 0.85kg
Isoleucine – 0.85 mg
Leucine – 1.625mg
Lysine – 0.901kg
Glutamic acid – 5g
Glycine –1.512kg
Vitamin – B1, B2, B3, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, C
Calcium – 93.00mg
Copper – 11.44mg
Iron – 4.58mg
Magnesium – 168.00mg
Manganese – 1.934mg
Phosphorus – 376.00mg
Potassium – 705.00mg
Sodium – 18.00mg
Zinc – 3.27mg
Water content – 6.50g

It is also rich in folic acid.

Peanuts are better than Almonds and Pistachios

We all think that almonds, pistachios and cashews are the most nutritious but that is wrong. Peanuts are the richest source of nutrients. It also has the power to build immunity. Please share this information to let many people know the truth. Many foreign nationals are getting the benefits of nutritious peanuts in all their food and living well. I hope everyone who read this post understand the benefits of peanuts and utilise it appropriately.